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Top 5 Putting Truths of all time + 10 Monster Putts

Carol Yeh |

While we’ve been busy researching putter grips and what makes a great putting stroke, we realize there are just some truths about putting that we all face at one point or another. So sit back and let these truths sink in deep. Real deep.


 "Nobody putts well everyday."

- Arnold Palmer
(thanks Arnie. we need that one. mon thru sat)


"I’ve heard people say putting is 50% technique and 50% mental. I really believe it is 50% technique and 90% positive thinking, see, but that adds up to 140%, which is why nobody is 100% sure how to putt.”

- Chi Chi Rodriguez
(obviously a mathematician-golfologist)


"In golf, driving is a fame of free-swinging muscle control, while putting is something like performing eye surgery and using a bread knife for a scalpel"

 - Tommy Bolt
(spoken like a true biomechanical golf-scientogist)


"If God wanted you to putt cross-handed, he would have made your left arm longer."

- Lee Trevino
(preach it brotha)


"Everyone wants to be known as a great striker of the ball for some reason. Nobody wants to be a lucky, one-putting s.o.b."

- Gary Player

(how'd he read my mind?)


And what truth-putting-rant would be complete without the top 10 Monster Putts: