Being Santa Claus ain’t no easy gig. Some think it’s just putting on a suit and downing some milk and cookies. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH. We caught up with the Santa(s) this week. Yes, there is more than one Santa. Rumor has it there could be millions. No one knows for sure. But how else could billions of toys be delivered in one night? Either way, we’ve put together the most accurate account of what Santa does to prep for the BIG NIGHT.

With all the lifting and climbing he’ll be doing on Christmas Eve, Santa knows a thing or 2 about staying strong. This year, Santa upped the cardio and added in some badass interval training.

The man dresses for SUCCESS. He gets his suits, shirts, slacks, and even those whitey tighties all ready for the big night. Santa insists on color safe bleach to keep the reds looking red, and the whites looking white. SHAZAAAAAAM.

Santa knows that the big night is a TEAM EFFORT. He and his trusty reindeers will be coasting through the night sky. And the last thing Santa needs to hear is.. “I’m hungry!”. Lots of protein and fiber for these Arctic caribou.

Santa may be the head honcho. But his elves are the real worker bees. It’s time to do a huddle and make sure the gifts are done, and everything is on schedule for the big night.
Complete with dance class, media training, and of course, lots of singing.